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Page history last edited by Daf 17 years, 5 months ago
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Conference Registration: http://www.webheadsinaction.org/



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Webheads in Action, a world-wide cross-cultural online community of several hundred ESL/EFL educators and other professionals, invites your participation in CONNECT: Conversations on Networking, Education, Communities, and Technology, a unique conference to be held entirely online May 18–20, 2007.


The conference is called a convergence because it is intended to be a fair or festival in which many communities of colleagues converge to celebrate with us by presenting their work in a wide variety of formats. Participation is free and open to all who are interested.

Keynote speakers include Stephen Downes, George Siemens, Etienne Wenger, Robin Good, Barbara Ganley, Teemu Leinonen, and Leigh Blackall.


WiAOC 2007 follows on the success of our first completely free online global convergence in 2005



We look forward to interacting with you at the WiAOC 2007: CONNECT free online convergence





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The WiAOC 2007 Organization Team


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